Wallet Withdrawals
Manage your withdrawals in Filament >
Payment Manager
Manage your payments inside FilamentPHP app with multi payment gateway integration >
Console Helpers
tons of helper you need for you artisan command line application >
Bookmarks Menu
Add bookmarks and tags to your resources records and access theme form your sidebar >
SEO Manager
Manage and generate SEO tags and integrate your website with Google SEO services >
User Logger
Log all user activity to file or log driver and preview it on your FilamentPHP panel >
Blog Template
Frontend for CMS Builder to build a blog and personal websites >
Social Media Manager
Integration of social media platform actions and auth to your FilamentPHP panel >
Documents Editor
Manage your documents and contracts all in one place with template builder >
GitHub Issues Manager
Manage your GitHub issues from your FilamentPHP panel and share issues with others >