JavaScript snake game tutorial: Build a simple, interactive game.

Body section:
<body>: This section contains the content displayed on the webpage.
<div class=”container”>: This div element is the container for the entire game. It likely has styles applied in the style.css file to position and size the game elements.
<div class=”wrapper”>: This div element likely acts as a wrapper for the game details and the play area. It might also have styles in the CSS file.
<div class=”game-details”>: This div contains details about the game.
<span class=”score”> Score: 0</span>: This span element displays the current score of the game. It starts at 0.
<span class=”high-score”> High Score: 0</span>: This span element displays the highest score achieved so far. It also starts at 0.
<div class=”play-board”></div>: This div element represents the playable area of the game where the snake will move and the food will appear. It’s currently empty but will likely be populated with content using JavaScript (included in script.js).